This content is considered archived and may not be accurate. Feel free to read it anyway, though.

Jan 13, 2022

Last week’s linkage (week 1, 2022)

Tomorrow’s Friday, which means that the second issue of the Bored Horse newsletter is due. One section of the newsletter, in case you missed it or are on the fence whether to subscribe or not, consists of links to interesting things I’ve read online. I figured I’d post these here, too, in case you missed it.

So, here are the links to things not published on Bored Horse from the previous newsletter.

🏡 Writing sheds are all the rage amongst author types, which apparently includes Cal Newport. Me, I’d like a writing mansion…

🍰 This Guardian piece on the new science on metabolism was interesting. There are certainly a lot of so-called truths out there that should be revisited.

🕰 Less science-y, perhaps, but accidental time-travel is apparently a thing to get obsessed about.

🎮 The video game review process is broken, says Washington Post, and I can’t agree more. Once upon a time, I used to review games for a living, so this one spoke to me.

🙊 What happens if you help people use Facebook less? You get banned, obviously. An older piece, file this one under “Facebook/Meta is evil”.

🦷 Are you taking care of your teeth? You can still get cavities, obviously, but not everyone are susceptible, it seems.

👦🏻 “Why kids don’t talk about their day” is part of the title of this piece, and I find that hilarious for some reason. Maybe they’re just reading the room? (No, but seriously, there’s some stuff in here.)

Want to share a link with me? That’s what Twitter’s for, just hit me up, and it might get featured here.

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