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Jan 03, 2022

Matt wants you to start blogging

Ever heard of Matt Mullenweg? He’s one of the original creators of WordPress, the world’s largest content management system. It has its roots in blogging, as I mentioned yesterday, something that’s still close to Matt’s chest, it would seem. You see, Matt’s birthday is coming up, and he wants you to start blogging as a way to celebrate it. He suggests blogging on, Tumblr, or journal privately with Day One. Incidentally, all those services are owned by Automattic, Matt’s company, but I’m sure he’ll forgive me for picking a new (for me) platform, for once.

I’ve never met Matt in person, but I’ve spoken to him online. He is, by all accords, a pretty great guy. What he’s done, by creating and supporting WordPress, for online publishing and the right to express oneself, is nothing short of amazing. On a more personal note, he was the one who mentioned me to John Wiley & Sons, when they were seeking someone to write a book about WordPress. That became the Smashing WordPress series, written by yours truly. I’m uncertain if I ever got a chance to thank him for that, so thank you, Matt.

So, yeah, let’s blog, shall we? If not for Matt, so for ourselves.

Happy birthday, Matt. Here’s hoping we can share a Yamazaki (whisky) someday, my treat. Thanks for everything.